Church Secretary
Arthur Polnisch
Personal secretary to the Pastor
Keeps all of our church records up-to-date
His office hours are 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Church Organist
Debra Fleming
Plays for the Sunday service & other services as needed.
Is a veteran employee having worked for the Church for many years |
Church Organist
Ed Schroeder
Accompanist for the Senior choir.
Plays for special services as needed.
Back up organist for Debra. |
Senior Choir Director
Julie Hunt
Directs the Senior Choir
Serves as Church Cantor
Church Custodians
Homer Young, & Ed Spencer
Custodial work is shared by this duo.
A combined schedule of 60 hours per month to keep our House of Worship neat and tidy inside and out. |